So, this was today's weigh-in result. Still working on the portion control - finding it hard to limit my summer ice cream... and wasn't able to exercise as much this weekend due to illness.
Start weight 6/30: 232.8
Weigh in 7/7: 232.6
Current weight 7/14: 229.8
Summertime is beautiful here in Montana, with sunny weather in the 80s and low 90s and little or no humidity. I'm still working to revive my lawns - the front one is looking better, the side lawn has problems, and the back lawn is really needy of TLC. Tonight is mowing time, and hopefully the grass seed in the back will begin to germinate and grow.
3 days ago
Hey, way to go with the loss!! Here's to another great week. Good luck with the mowing as well :-)
way to go, Sharon! you don't know me, but I'm wonding if I know you...I saw your post on my friend Addie's blog regarding the 4th of July with the Pierces. I'm a Pierce and my grandma has been hosting a pool party for the past 50+ years. Would you be talking about Dorothy Pierce (my dad was Bill?
Thanks for visiting, Rebecca! I do know who you are, and met you years ago with Lauren T.
My sister and her husband attend the annual 4th of July event you speak of, as they have been close friends of Ron and Linda's for y-e-a-r-s. In fact, they still live in the neighborhood on Broadwater that we grew up in.
It would be your Pierce cousins (Frank and Tillie's family) that I was speaking of - hope you are enjoying your summer.
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