It's nice to take a few moments to recall exactly what I did this past weekend. Thanks to my blogging friend, Karen, for hosting this meme....
1.. Scraped ice from curb side while watching my grandson's delight in running through snow-melt puddles on the sidewalk.
2. Got reacquained with Bianca and Bernard in Disney's DVD of The Rescuers.
3. Was glad that my grandson became acquainted with other pint-size people in our church nursery...as I was enjoying my time in our worship service ;)
4. Enjoyed shopping for cards, books, DVDs and flowers for friends and family.
5. Finally cooked on my new stove --- eggs and an omelette for meals other than breakfast.
6. Received a lovely card of comfort -- and gift -- from a classmate and thoughtful friend.
7. Enjoyed another computer-free weekend.
8. Explained the what, why and how of my beautiful, 4-blossom amaryllis plant to my grandson.
9. PBS - Downton Abbey.
10. Shared an Elisabeth Elliot quote in church during our time of praise and prayer -- as a testimony of God's love during our times of grief and suffering.

My grandson Trask with cousin, Joe at Christmas.