My sister's birthday falls on Thursday this year. I scanned a special photo from my album - I was amazed once again at what a cutie she was (and is :))

This sister has been a great blessing in my life. Here are just a few snapshots:
She practiced and played the organ in our church after school. I recall many days of enjoying the music she played before we headed home. I also was an active listener at her weekly piano lessons.
We were roommates at one time, after moving away from home, and went through several experiences at that time...but my most memorable was my attack of appendicitis, and her nursing care during my recovery - not an easy time.
Learning that I was to be an aunt --- on my wedding day. My sister was one of our passengers on an extended road trip honeymoon following the wedding ;) We were also together when she went into labor with that beautiful baby girl I learned about on my wedding day.
Perhaps the most poignant time we shared, was sitting next to each other in church, and listening to my son give his testimony. Her tears that day during his testimony moved me, because I was once again reminded of how much the Lord's saving work in our lives moves her.
...and here are two of the latest - last Labor Day - a fun time with all the sisters, and her second "beautiful baby girl's" wedding day.